MuSCLES Technology

* Multilevel Synthesis of Composite Cross-Classified Learning Event Scores
The MuSCLES technology (Multilevel Synthesis of Composite Cross-Classified Learning Event Scores) is an analytical engine for education. MuSCLES consists of two components: intelligent student behavior logging and a flexible learning metrics constructor. Intelligent logging collects all the necessary information in a single log, including solution correctness, number of attempts, use of hints, time spent, and automatically assigns optimal weights to these characteristics. The flexible constructor dynamically compiles and calculates metrics for students, content, instructors, and other participants in the learning process upon request. MuSCLES operates three times faster or more than alternatives based on modern psychometric theory (Item Response Theory). Today, this technology powers learning analytics at Yandex Practicum (Russia), TripleTen (USA and Latin America), and several educational projects in the Middle East.
Abbakumov, D. (2024, July 16-19). Multilevel synthesis of composite cross-classified event scores as a psychometric approach for EdTech [Paper presentation]. The International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS24), Prague, Czech Republic.